Emergency Dentist in Dublin
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort or have suffered a dental injury, at Dun Laoghaire Dental we provide same day emergency appointments during our clinic opening hours. We will endeavour to see you as soon as possible and get your issue resolved. Please call the clinic immediately and we will give you instructions over the phone, and arrange an appointment for you.
Common Dental Emergencies
Toothache is usually caused by infection, although it can occur for several reasons. If your toothache is worsening, rinse your mouth out with warm water and then floss gently in order to remove bits of food that might cause infection. Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol can help to relieve tooth and gum pain. Please read the label before taking any medication to ensure you don’t exceed the recommended dosage.
Veneers, Bridges and Crowns
If you are unfortunate enough to have a look veneer, bridge of crown, It is essential that you get it re-cemented quickly so that further damage is prevented. Your tooth might be sensitive to temperature, so avoid eating and drinking on it and contact us to arrange an emergency appointment.
Broken Teeth
If you have suffered an injury that has resulted in part of your tooth being knocked out or damaged, contact our practice immediately to get an emergency appointment. Rinse your mouth with warm water carefullyl, although the area may be sensitive to temperature. You can also apply a cold compress to reduce any swelling that may have occurred.
Swelling tends to occur due to infection. If you’re experiencing swelling in the mouth, there may be an infection in your teeth or gum. It could also be the beginning of a dental abscess that needs to be drained. We recommend that you call us straight away so that the swelling can be diagnosed and dealt with swiftly. We will then prescribe the appropriate treatment, along with antibiotics if necessary.
Knocked Out Teeth
If a tooth has been knocked out, hold it up by the crown and clean it with care. To help preserve it, put the tooth into a container of milk, or gently place it in your mouth until you are able to get into the clinic.
How much do emergency appointments cost?
The fee for an emergency dental appointment in Dun Laoghaire Dental is €45.
To book an emergency dental appointment at Dun Laoghaire Dental give us a call on 01 2809576 or or contact us at info@dunlaoghairedental.ie to arrange a consultation