Dental Check ups Dublin
What is a Dental Check-up?
When you go for a check-up, your dentist will examine your mouth, checking your teeth, gums and tongue to see if there are any issues or changes since your last appointment. They will work through a mental check-list, making sure that there aren’t any symptoms or signs that could indicate decay, gum disease, infections, or oral cancer. During your check-up, you won’t experience any pain, and the appointment will be over before you know it. You may hear your dentist calling out numbers and letters, which a nurse will record in your notes. This is nothing to worry about. The dentist is simply updating your patient record and noting down any changes.
If you have a clean bill of oral health, your dentist will probably advise you to book another appointment in the next 6-12 months. If there are problems, for example, you have a cavity or signs of gum disease, our dentist will talk to you about the signs they have spotted and discuss treatment options with you. If you need a filling, for example, they will encourage you to arrange another appointment for the procedure.
Regular Dental Checkups are important for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. By attending your Dentist regularly, dental problems can be detected and addressed at the early stages. We generally recommend getting a Dental Check up every 6 months or at an interval advised by your dentist.
How often do I need to go to the dentist?
At Dun Laoghaire Dental, we recommend routine checks every 6-12 months. If you have a very healthy mouth, you may only need to go to the dentist once a year. If you have any issues between appointments, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist and make an appointment. If you have toothache or you’ve noticed that your gums are bleeding when you brush your teeth, for example, it’s always beneficial to seek advice as soon as possible.
How much does a Dental Check-up cost?
The cost for a dental check up at our clinic is €35, which covers a full dental exam, diagnosis and treatment plan.
To book a dental check up at Dun Laoghaire Dental give us a call on 01 2809576 or or contact us at to arrange a consultation.